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The Ultimate Guide to Finding Pickleball Courts Near You

Pickleball, the addictive sport, has gained tremendous popularity worldwide in the last few years. If you're an avid pickleball player or looking to dive into the game, finding nearby pickleball courts can sometimes be hard. In this blog, we will introduce you to PicklePlay, a great mobile app that simplifies finding pickleball courts near you. Let's explore how this app can enhance your pickleball experience!
  1. Download PicklePlay: PicklePlay is available for both iOS and Android platforms. The app is free in the app store and creating an account is easy and free! 
  2. Finding courts near you: PicklePlay will allow you to use your location services to find courts right in your area.a. First, you need to make sure that location services are enabled on your device to allow the app to access your current location. You can turn this on in your settings.b. Once you have your location accurately in the app, then you can filter by distance, court type (indoor or outdoor), amenities, and player levels.c. PicklePlay will display a list of pickleball courts near you, along with relevant details. Search results will include the court name, address, contact information, availability, and reviews.
If you find that PicklePlay isn't the right fit for you, ask around in your neighborhood and check with your local parks & rec department to see what is available to your community. We know that once you find a local court, you will be playing consistently (if you aren't already).
By Allie Mroczkowski, GAMMA Marketing Coordinator


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